This picture is of 10 elderly ladies all wearing pink tops with white pants, one of the ladies is in a wheelchair in front of the other ladies
Give & Volunteer
Otto Kaiser Foundation
The Otto Kaiser Memorial Hospital Foundation is a Non Profit 501 (c)(3) organization that was formed in 2017 to support the Mission of Otto Kaiser Memorial Hospital. If you would like to remember someone special with a tax deductible donation in their name or want to give to Otto Kaiser Memorial Hospital in general, you may do so through the Foundation. A portion of our budget each year is dedicated to providing medical assistance grants to local families who are enduring a medical hardship such as a cancer or another difficult diagnosis. Grant applications can be picked up at our Information Desk. Our Foundation Board is actively engaged in supporting programs and services that will promote preventative care and create positive healthy outcomes within the Karnes County Community. For more information about our organization, please call 830-583-4591
Internships are available in various departments of the hospital for students in schools, Universities and career programs that require service hours towards degree completion. Please contact the appropriate department for additional information.
Organized in 1973
Our Emblem is in four colors- Blue, White, Red and Gold.

The Cross of Neutrality and Christian Crusade is the emblem of relief to the unfortunate.

The Caduceus, or Wand of Mercury, and the Serpent of Aesculapius symbolize the healing art.

The Urn Lamp is accepted as symbolic of knowledge-it is the official emblem of Florence Nightingale nurses.
Who we are:
The Auxiliary is an organized community group of people with no other purpose or obligation than volunteering their service to the Hospital. Volunteers offer their service free. This service cannot be bought. The Auxiliary operates under the supervision of the Hospital CEO and requires approval of the Hospital Board of Directors.
What we do:
The purpose of the Auxiliary is to assist the hospital by providing volunteer services, helping in financing, and promoting a vital link between the hospital and the community. To these ends, we operate the Gift Shop and sponsor a number of fund-raising activities throughout the year. Proceeds from these activities directly benefit Otto Kaiser Memorial Hospital in the form of equipment purchases and/or monetary gifts. The Auxiliary also offers scholarships annually to a graduating senior at each of the four (4) county high schools who are interested in pursuing healthcare related careers. The Auxiliary supports the Hospital staff and administration by any means possible when called upon to do so.
Membership in the Auxiliary is open to men and women at least 21 years of age, or Teen Volunteers at least 16 years of age, who are interested in community health and the welfare of the Hospital, and, who shall abide by the objectives of the Auxiliary. There are three (3) types of members: Active, Contributing, and Life.
Dues for Active members are $5.00 per year. Active members must work a minimum of 50 hours per year. Dues for Contributing members are $15.00 per year. There are no set number of work hours. Dues for Life members are one-time payment of $100.00. Dues for Active and Contributing members are due at the January meeting.
Uniforms for ladies consist of white pants or skirt, pink jacket/smock with patch on left sleeve and white shoes (no flip-flops or boots). A white blouse under the smock may be worn as an option. For gentlemen, the uniforms consist of white shirts with patch on left sleeve and dark pants (including jeans). Uniforms should be worn when working/representing the organization.
The general meetings of the Auxiliary are held on the first (1st) Thursday of each month at 9:30 am. Exceptions may be made due to holidays or other extenuating circumstances where the meeting will be held on the second (2nd) Thursday. Visitors are invited and welcome to attend.
Parties interested in contributing back to their community by way of supporting OKMH through Auxiliary volunteering, may contact any Auxiliary member, or stop by the Gift Shop, for an application.