For Patients
Undergoing surgery can be worrisome for you and your family. To make it easier, we've identified some ways to help you prepare. We hope that the more prepared and informed you are the more comfortable and less anxious you will feel.
Prior to surgery, your doctor will give you specific instructions to help you prepare. In the meantime, the following information is a general outline of what to expect prior to and the day of surgery.
Before Surgery
Your doctor may schedule a series of tests, including blood and urine analysis, X-rays and an electrocardiogram (EKG).
Surgery Permit
You will sign a surgery permit. A parent or legal guardian would sign for a minor. The next of kin or legal guardian would sign for a patient unable to sign for himself. Guardians would need to bring proof of guardianship.
Food and Drink
During surgery, it is important to have an empty stomach to avoid any complications. You will be asked to not eat or drink anything after midnight (including water, gum and candy).
Money and Valuables
We recommend that you leave all valuables at home. The hospital is not responsible for patient or visitor belongings.
Day of Surgery
Getting Ready
Bathe or shower as usual the day of your surgery, removing all makeup and nail polish. At the hospital, you will change into a hospital gown. At this time, you should remove contact lenses, if you wear them. Notify your nurse if you have dentures or partial plates.
Please understand that the hospital cannot be responsible for your jewelry and other valuables. For their protection, you may want to leave them at home or give them to a family member to hold until after your procedure.
You may receive medication prior to your surgery to help you relax. Speak to your doctor about taking or stopping your regular medications during this time.
A day or two prior to your arrival you will receive a call from the pre-op nurse. She/he will be asking you for your medical information and a list of your current medications. We will make final surgical preparations in the Surgery pre-op holding area before taking you to the operating room. Once there, your operating room nurse will introduce him/herself, check your identification band and ask a few questions. An anesthesia professional will speak with you and answer questions before administering your anesthetic.
Denture Care
If you wear dentures, please inform your nurse so that she/he can supply you with a denture cup. When your dentures are not in place, they should be in the denture cup.

Please DO NOT wrap your dentures in tissue, washcloths, towels, etc.

Please DO NOT place your dentures on your meal tray.,/li>

Please DO NOT place your dentures under your pillow, on your sheets, or in any concealed place.
Glasses/Hearing Aides
To prevent loss or breakage of your glasses/hearing aides while you are hospitalized, follow these guidelines:

Please DO NOT leave your glasses/hearing aides unprotected on the bedside table.

Please DO NOT put your glasses/hearing aides in the pocket of your gown.

Please DO NOT lay your glasses/hearing aides on your meal tray or your bed sheets at any time.
After surgery, you will be taken to Recovery, where your vital signs (blood pressure, pulse and respiration) will be monitored. This room is designed and staffed to care for several patients at a time. You may be aware of other patients and activities going on around you, but this should not disturb you. Please understand that for your safety and that of others, patients may not have visitors while in Recovery.
You will receive a call a day or two after your surgery or procedure from the post-op nurse. This is to ensure that all questions you might have after surgery can be answered.
Post Surgery
Be sure to speak to your nurses and doctors about pain control. While we may not be able to take away all of your pain, we want to make you as comfortable as possible. When pain is controlled, you may heal faster, get your strength back more quickly, feel better sooner and improve your outcome.